Community services

We can help you improve a green space for people and wildlife in your local area, whether that’s through planning the project, putting your ideas in to action or delivering for you.


Countryside Partnerships have a range of volunteering and work experience opportunities including practical conservation days at local green spaces, parks, schools, commons and historic sites, survey work and helping with environmental education including Forest Schools, outdoor education, team building and volunteering.

Community groups

We’re happy to help all types of community groups from parish councils and allotment societies to charitable trusts and community woodlands. We can help you with:

  • Practical work days and public events
  • Fundraising and promotion
  • Planning and project management
  • Engaging new volunteers
  • Site management, interpretation and education programs
  • Chairing/co-hosting or being key members of Catchment Partnership Groups
  • Governance and constitutions etc.
  • Management Plan writing
  • Borrowing tools through our Community tool kit scheme

If you want to:

  • Plant a hedge on a local green
  • Help cut back vegetation from the churchyard
  • Create a school wildlife garden
  • Install a gate
  • Take on any other conservation task
  • Undertake a beach clean

You can get toolkits from:

Find your local Countryside Partnership